U.S. Geological Survey Data Series 146

usSEABED: Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean (Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands) Offshore Surficial Sediment Data Release, version 1.0 Skip navigational side bar

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The following three images show just a few ways in which the data can be displayed within a GIS:

Click on each for a larger image.

Example 1. Munsell Color using the extracted (EXT) and parsed (PRS) outputs, Mississippi Fan and Louisiana region.
Example 1. Munsell Color using the extracted (EXT) and parsed (PRS) outputs, Mississippi Fan and Louisiana region.

Example 2. Grain size (phi) using the extracted (EXT) output, Louisiana to Alabama region.
Example 2. Grain size (phi) using the extracted (EXT) output, Louisiana to Alabama region.

Example 3. Sand content using the extracted (EXT) output file, West Florida Shelf.
Example 3. Sand content using the extracted (EXT) output file, West Florida Shelf.

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 /  U.S. Geological Survey  /  Coastal and Marine Geology Program / USGS Woods Hole Science Center

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